Centar za izbeglice i migrante u Vranju, 14.01.2019.

Časovi Engleskog i Srpskog jezika za odrasle su veoma dobro posećeni tokom čitave godine. Jedini limit predstavlja veličina samog stambenog kontejnera Caritasa. Da bi svim zainteresovanim migrantima Caritas omogućio da prisustvuju časovima, organizovan je rad u više grupa. Migranti dolaze iz različitih zemalja, tako da postoji kulturološka razlika između migranata pojedinih nacionalnosti. U Avganistanu ne postoje polno mešoviti razredi, pa čak ni obrazovanje za žene u svim delovima zemlje. U Iranu je osnovno, srednje i visoko obrazovanje dostupno za oba pola, ali su razredi odvojeni. U Iraku postoje i zajednički i odvojeni razredi, i roditelji biraju u koju školu žele da pošalju decu. Većina migranata želi da živi radi u skladu sa lokalnim običajima zbog čega su i pošli na put za Evropu, tako da sve nacionalnosti prihvataju mešovite razrede i prisustvuju časovima Engleskog i Srpskog jezika.

Refugee Center Vranje, January 14, 2019

The English and Serbian language classes for adults are very well visited throughout the year. The only limit is the size of the Caritas residential container itself. In order to allow all interested migrants Caritas to attend classes, work was organized in several groups. Migrants came from different countries, so there is a cultural difference between migrants of certain nationalities. For example, there are no mixed classes in Afghanistan, and even education for women is not possible in all parts of the country. In Iran, primary, secondary and higher education is available for both sexes, but the classes are separated. In Iraq, there are both common and separate classes, and parents choose which school they want to send to their children. Most migrants want to live in harmony with local European cultural customs, for which they have gone on a journey to Europe, so migrants all nationalities accept mixed classes and attend English and Serbian learning classes.