Centar za azilante Krnjača 14.01.2019.

Rad sa migrantima u Centru za azilante u Krnjači odvija se u jednoj prostoriji, u kojoj se održavaj časovi Engleskog i Srpskog jezika za odrasle i maloletnike bez pratnje, kao i časovi sa decom školskog uzrasta. Nastava se održava u grupama, ali se tokom zime zbog potreba korisnika više grupa različitog uzrasta nalazi u istom prostoru. Caritasove voditeljice radionica (lingvista i psiholog) odvojeno rade sa različitim uzrastima korisnika: učenje Engleskoj i Srpskog jezika za odrasle i maloletnike bez pratnje, pomoć u savladavanju školskog gradiva za decu osnovno školskog uzrasta, kao i animacijske radionice. Tokom svih radionica i komunicira se na Srpskom jeziku, kako bi deca što bolje savladala jezik i mogla da prate nastavu u školi.

Krnjaca (Belgrade) Asylum Center 14.01.2019.

Work with migrants in the Asylum Center in Krnjaca takes place in one room where English and Serbian classes are held for adults and unaccompanied minors, as well as classes with children of school age. Teaching is organized in groups, but during the winter due to the needs of the user, several groups of different ages are in the same space. Caritas workshop leaders (Linguist and Psychologist) work separately with different age groups of beneficiaries: English and Serbian language learning for adults and unaccompanied minors, assistance to schoolchildren who are engaged in elementary education in Serbian school, as well as animation workshops for all beneficiaries. Throughout the workshops and other activities, communicating is on the Serbian language. On this way, children will learn the language better and be able to follow school subjects.